How to Start Hand Sanitizer Business!!! Step by Step Process

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The Corona virus pandemic has suddenly increased the demand for hand sanitizers throughout the world because of the preventive requirement of frequent hand washing. With the soaring demand, the supply of hand sanitizers has reduced to a great extent, creating demand higher than before.

Hygiene is one aspect of life that practically everyone is always concerned about. This is especially true when it comes to children. It is a fact that the chances of infection and illnesses are highest when dirty fingers come in contact with food items. It is not always possible to find a wash basin or soap to wash your hands before eating. The next best option is to use a hand sanitizer. It kills all germs with just a few drops and makes it safe to ingest food in any situation. With life so fast paced, a hand sanitizer is to be found on the person of practically every individual. Thus, starting a hand sanitizer making business can be a great option for someone wishing to start their own business venture.

Starting a business whose products are used on a daily basis is the sure way to go if indeed you want to be profitable. In essence, starting a hand sanitizer production company is a business you should consider as an aspiring entrepreneur.

In this article, we will discuss about if you want to start Hand Sanitizer Manufacturing unit then what type of licenses and requirement you will require to start.

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Here is the Step wise Business Plan Guide to Start Hand Sanitizer Business:-

1. The Important Points to Remember in Making Hand Sanitizers:-

You know that alcohol-based hand sanitizers are now high in demand. You have to remember certain points regarding these hand sanitizers before you start making them.

A. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers should contain at least 60% or more of Alcohol in it.

B. The Alcohol you use for making the hand sanitizers should contain at least 90% or more alcohol in it.

C. The water you are using in making the hand sanitizer should be distilled water of normal room temperature. If it is not available, boil the normal water, cool it, and then use it.

D. If you are using Glycerine, you have to use pure glycerine or 98% glycerine.

E. Try to buy the required ingredients from a renowned chemist shop or a reputed online portal.

2. Making Hand Sanitizers

The method of making hand sanitizer is quite easy. At this time of the Corona virus pandemic, you should follow the WHO guidelines to make it.

For preparing 10 liters of hand sanitizer you have to take:

Ethanol (96% Alcohol): 8333 ml

Hydrogen peroxide 3%: 417 ml

Glycerol 98%: 145 ml

In the first step, pour the Ethanol in a 10 Litre jar or container with marks. Then add the hydrogen peroxide using a measuring cylinder.

Now add the glycerol with a measuring cylinder. Glycerol being very sticky, you can rinse it with distilled water or boiled cold water.

Now fill the container with distilled water or cold boiled water and cover it with a lid. Mix the ingredients by shaking mildly or with a paddle.

Now pour the solution in bottles of your choice (50 ml, 100 ml or 200 ml). Keep these bottles isolated in a cool place for 72 hours after which it is ready for use. This time is taken to see whether there are any spores in any of the ingredients or the bottles.

3. The Precautionary Measures for Homemade Hand Sanitizers

You have to follow certain precautionary measures while making the hand sanitizers. They are as follows:

Produce and store the hand sanitizers in a cool room. If there is an air-conditioned room, you can use it.

There should be no smoking or any flame in the room where you are making it or storing the bottles.

Undiluted ethanol is highly flammable you should directly dilute it. It is almost the same for Isopropyl alcohol also.

You can make up to 50 liters of hand sanitizer at a time in this method. For mass production, you need more facilities like specialized air conditioning and ventilation.

4. The Legal Requirements for Hand Sanitizer Business:-

There are certain legal requirements for you to start your business of hand sanitizers. You have to follow them to run the business successfully.

A. You have to register your business with the Government authorities. (You can connect with for the same)

B. Get your business insured.

C. Give your business a suitable name. (Get consult with team

D. Open a bank account in the name of your business.

E. You have to get the permission of the local Food and Drug Authorities and obtain relevant licenses to start your business.

F. Since you have to use alcohol for making the hand sanitizers, you need the buying and storage license of Alcohol.

G. You also need to follow the Fire Safety Rules to run your business.

5. Manpower You Need for Your Hand Sanitizer Business Plan:-

It will be profitable for you if you can start your business with minimum people because you do not have expenses on salaries.

Start the business with a person to assist you, a delivery person to deliver the hand sanitizers to different selling locations (you can do this yourself too) and of course, a good marketing person.

Take care of the banking and accounts yourself to start with. That will show the progress of your business directly.

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6. Where to Sell Hand Sanitizers

Now that there is a huge demand for hand sanitizers everywhere, your list of prospective customers is a long one.


Pharmacies & Medicine Shops

Hospitals & Health Centres

Quarantine Centres


Schools & Colleges


Government Offices





And many more.

7. Check List for documents to be submitted for Grant of Manufacturing Licences/ Blood bank.

A. Application on prescribed form as per annexure table “A” along with requisite fees given in the same.

B.Affidavit of Proprietor/ Partners/ Director(s)/ Managing Director on Rs 10/= Non Judicial Stamp Paper duly attested by Notary Public.

C.List of all the Partners/ Directors with age & complete postal & residential address.

D. Specific Power of attorney in favor of Authorized Signatory for submitting Application on behalf of the Company on Rs 10/= Non-judicial Stamp paper duly attested by Notary Public

E.Attested Photostat Copies of qualification, experience and approval certificates of Manufacturing Chemist.& Analytical Chemist

F.Site Master File duly signed.

G.Section wise list of Plant and machinery ,water system, analytical instruments, apparatus for physico chemical, microbiological , biological along with their attested photocopies of purchase invoices provided.

H.Water testing report

I.Registration from District Industries Center.2

J.Document pertaining to ownership for the proposed site of the unit & documents in its support.

K.Attested copies of partnership deed / Memorandum & article of Association.

L.Specific resolution for commencing Drug/Cosmetic- Manufacturing activities (if not already included in Memorandum of Association)

M.Section wise blue print of location of plant and machines.


This is all about your hand sanitizer business plan. Remember, this is the initial planning for your business. After your business volume gets increased, you can add some value to your product by adding Aloe Vera Gel and Essential Oils to make the product more skin-friendly and with good perfumes. Then you can increase the price also.

With the increase in the volume of your business, you can also go for large scale production. In that case, hire a professional chemist and an accountant to take care of production and finance respectively.

Hand Sanitizer business plan is very much needed at this hour of the pandemic. However, the demand will be there afterward too. So, you will have no difficulty to establish and gradually stabilize your business.

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#COVID-19,#COVID-19 BUSINESS,How to Start Hand Sanitizer Business!!!,How to Start Hand Sanitizer Business!!! Step by Step Process,Step by Step Process,हैंड सैनिटाइजर बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करें
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